Wylde Flowers Wiki
Overview Events Dialogues

Thomas Lightfoot (40) owns the farm next door. He keeps to himself, which some folks view as suspicious. but his neighbors, like Hazel Wylde, know he's a quiet delight.

Thomas worries about the "strangers" in the woods because he doesn't know their intentions.

The anonymous letters asking him to sell his farm have made him even more guarded.

Thomas is indigenous and his family belongs to a tribe headquartered outside Milkwater. But even though he grew up in Fairhaven, his mother made sure he learned tribal traditions.

He dated Lina in high school, but hasn't had many serious relationships since. However, Thomas seems to have a fondness for Sophia.

Personal Schedule[]

Most of the time you can find Thomas at his farm. He can be found at the beach past the lighthouse or on the cemetery on Mondays and Thursdays.

Tuesday: 9am-5pm at Cafe Moretti
Wednesday: 9am-5pm at Cafe Moretti
Thursday: 9am-5pm at Cafe Moretti
Friday: 9am-5pm at Cafe Moretti
Sunday: 9am-5pm at Cafe Moretti

Favorite Gifts

Item Sources Recipe
Three Sister's Stew  
Corn Bread
Corn Bread
Cabbage Soup
Cabbage Soup

Relationship Cutscenes[]

New Acquaintances (expand)

How to initiate cutscene: After gaining one full heart, talk to Thomas while he's working on his farm.

Tara: Hi Thomas!
Thomas: Got somethin’ for ya. I made a big batch of stew last night, too much for just me. [Gives 1x Spring Stew.]
Tara: That’s so kind, but you didn’t have to do that!
Thomas: It’s rude to refuse a gift of food, Tara. I did it once at my uncle’s wedding. An elder saw me say no and let me have it!
Tara: Oh no, what did you do?
Thomas: I took the plate from the woman offerin’ it, of course! Gave it to my cousin Albie. He’s always happy for seconds.
--[Choice: Is it hard living apart?]
-Tara: Is it hard living in Fairhaven when the rest of your tribe is in Milkwater?
-Thomas: No, it was harder for my mom. But she raised us with all the same traditions, like respecting elders. I feel at home when I’m there.
--[Choice: I would have eaten it]
--[Choice: I would have refused]
Tara: Well, thanks for the stew, Thomas.
Thomas: You’re welcome. I better get back to my chores.

Casual Friend (expand)

How to initiate cutscene: After gaining two full hearts, approach Nailed it in the morning (before 12pm) on a sunny day.

Tara: Hi Thomas, enjoying town?
Thomas: Had business. Only reason to come to town. You going towards the woods? You oughta be careful. I spent a lot of time in those woods when I was a kid, I know them well. But it’s easy to lose your way. There are others in those woods at night, and I don’t know what their intentions are.
--[Choice: No one tells me what to do]
-Tara: I appreciate your concern, Thomas, but I can handle myself. I'm not someone who lets others tell her what to do.
-Thomas: I can respect that. But keep to the path, at least.
--[Choice: Shelby lives there.]
-Tara: It can't be that bad. Shelby lives there, after all, and he seems to be fine.
-Thomas: Sure but I think he keeps to his cabin at night. Least I hope he does.
--[Choice: Maybe they’re fine]
-Tara: Thomas, I appreciate the warning, but how do you know the people in the woods at night are even trying to cause trouble?
-Thomas: If they’re not up to anything, then why wear masks?
Thomas: A logging operation tried moving to the island once, but Lina’s dad and my dad organized the townfolks to fight ‘em off. Now those woods oughta be left in peace. In honor of my dad and hers too, not that he remembers much these days.
Tara: I’ll be careful.
Thomas: That’s all I ask.

Good Friend (expand)

How to initiate cutscene: After gaining three full hearts, enter Lina's general store.

Lina: Thomas, your basket is always such a classic single man’s shopping list! Mac ‘n cheese, yeh – peanut butter, instant noodles… It reminds me of Parker’s pantry when we were first dating! He was stunned the first time I cooked him a real meal!
Thomas: Well, Parker is certainly a lucky guy.
--[Choice: You should go by the diner]
-Tara: Thomas, you should go by Sophia’s diner more often for some real home cooking. She seems to like you.
-Thomas: She say that? Well. I do like her place. She works hard to keep it going. Can’t be easy all on her own.
--[Choice: My gramma taught me some recipes]
-Tara: Hey, I'm single too. I would still be living on tea if my Gramma hadn't taught me some recipes.
-Thomas: Heh. She was a clever woman, your grandma. She taught me a corn casserole recipe that I still make sometimes.
--[Choice: Teach him to cook, Lina]
Thomas: Well. Ladies, I need to get back to my farm.
Lina: I worry about him, living on that farm all by himself. It must get lonely.
Tara: He’s never had a long-term relationship?
Lina: A few, but they flamed out years ago. And there was us… but that was back in high school. I think Thomas just struggles to get close to people. Even if he likes them.

Best Friend (expand)

How to initiate cutscene: After gaining four full hearts, talk to Thomas while he's working on his farm.

Tara: Hi Thomas! Having a nice day?
Thomas: There you are. Been wanting to talk to you. That offer to buy my place I mentioned before… Well, whoever it is, they’ve stepped it up. Got more letters in the mail, seen tracks around the farm that aren’t mine. What about you? Has anyone offered to buy your farm? Any idea who it might be?
--[Choice: I would never sell]
-Tara: No, but I would never sell anyway. My farm stays in the Wylde family.
-Thomas: Good for you. Always amazed how some folks will just throw away their history.
--[Choice: No, but maybe it’s a local?]
-Tara: No, but maybe the buyer is a local. Someone who fell in love with the view from your place.
-Thomas: No, Anyone who has lived here for a decent spell knows how I feel about my farm.
-Thomas: Just keep yer eyes and ears open, and don’t trust anyone, ‘specially newcomers.
-Tara: What about me? I’m a newcomer too, Thomas.
-Thomas: Nah. You’re an islander now, Tara. And we have to protect this place.

--[Choice: No, but maybe it’s a tourist?]
-Tara: No, but maybe it’s a tourist who saw your place and doesn’t realize it’s been in your family for generations? Someone just looking to invest in a summer home.
-Thomas: Oh, I bet it’s an investor of some sort. But I don’t think they want it for anything so simple as that.
Thomas: Just keep yer eyes and ears open, and don’t trust anyone, ‘specially newcomers.
Tara: What about me? I’m a newcomer too, Thomas.
Thomas: Nah. You’re an islander now, Tara. And we have to protect this place.


The full list of quotes for this character can be found here.
