Wylde Flowers Wiki
Overview Events Dialogues

Gramma Hazel Wylde was the reason you came to Fairhaven. You hadn't seen her for 20 years, but she embraced you as if no time had passed. She taught you how to nurture both the farm and your growing abilities as a witch.

Status Spoilers
Gramma Hazel passed away peacefully at the end of Spring, with you at her side.

Life Before Fairhaven[]

Coven Status[]

Hazel is referred to as Elder Hazel in the coven.


Favorite Gifts[]


The following is a list of quotes and conversations the player can have with Hazel Wylde throughout the game outside of quests.

Gramma: I just love the peace here. I guess that's why I've never moved anywhere else. Do you think that's strange?
Tara: No Gramma, I think it's peaceful here, too.
Gramma: Well, maybe we're both strange!
Tara: Here Gramma, Sophia gave me this pie to give to you.
Gramma: Apple? How... original. You keep it, honeybee. The sugar rush will give you some energy when you need it!
Gramma: Tell me, honeybee. Does Arthur mind that you left your job in the city to come help me?
Tara: Well, I didn't really leave my job, my job left me. Our site got acquired but the new parent company just wanted our subscriber list, not our editors. Maybe Dad wishes I was using my degree in a new job in the city... but then who would help you here? He's not going to come do farm work.
Gramma: That's for certain! Your father has the blackest thumb I've ever known - even when he was a boy! We were sad when he left, but the garden sure wasn't!
Tara: I can't believe you've even managed the farm on your own this long, Gramma.
Gramma: Well, Robert left things in good shape when he passed. And Thomas has been a help. More than the help, though, I've missed having company. Oh, Lina stops by now and again. But it's so nice having you here, honeybee.
Gramma: Did you know, I grew up in the city too? This farm was my Aunt Vivian's place. Oh, she was a firecracker, that one! Ran it all on her own, she never did marry. Said she had no use for a husband! I think she left a lot of broken hearts in her wake, though.
Gramma: Don't forget to eat! Your father used to eat like a horse whenever he had to do farm chores! In fact, I made him a big batch of stew when he came to visit.
Tara: Was it… weird, seeing Dad after all this time?
Gramma: Bah. He's still my boy. Always will be, even if he's in a temper. He's stubborn, just like his pa. I'm glad he came, and I could tell he was too. And now you're here! What could be better?
Gramma: I went by that newfangled church, or Consciousness Center, whatever you call it - shortly after Cameron moved here. He's a nice sort of fellow, and I think he means well, but he's not terribly bright, unfortunately.
Tara: Gramma!
Gramma: Oh, I know the poor man can't help it. I just hope he doesn't cause too much trouble 'round here.
Gramma: I hope you get the chance to reconnect with Lina. The two of you had so much fun when you were little.
Tara: Oh, I remember! Well, except that one time one of her chickens nearly pecked all the feathers off of one of ours…
Gramma: That's right! Nasty little bird bully. Well, I made him into coq au vin. After he died of... erm, natural causes. Anyway, Lina won't say much about it, but I think she and Parker are having some difficulties. I'm sure she could use a good friend right now.
Gramma: A lot of folks think Shelby's an odd one, livin' in the woods all on his own. But it's hard to outlive the ones you love, and ol' Shelby's lost more than most. He's got a lot to teach, for those willing to listen.
Gramma: If you ever want to go visit your grandfather, the cemetery is just across from the Consciousness Center. I see Sophia there a fair bit. Poor thing lost her husband not too long ago. It came on so sudden, I don't think she can make sense of it. I hope she'll meet someone new, when she's ready.
Gramma: It's good to go to bed early, but some of the younger folks in town do seem to like going to Damon's bar at night! He's been running it for his folks ever since they moved back home to Johannesburg. Arno and Kaya were good friends. I miss them.
Gramma: Don't let that mayor ever give you trouble, honeybee. He's worried he might lose the next election, then he'll have to move out of the mayor's mansion and his fancy wife might hop the next ferry back to Milkwater! She's certainly the smarter of the pair. She's a bit of a hard nut to crack, though. Maybe you'll have better luck!
Gramma: Honeybee, I’m going to stay in bed today. I just don’t have much energy.
Amira: Hello? Anyone home?
Tara: Oh! Come in, Amira. What perfect timing!
Amira: Sorry to come by so early. I um, heard you were feeling poorly, Hazel.
Tara: How could you have heard that?
Amira: Well, I try to make a house call at least once a month. I’m sorry I haven’t been by more recently. Here’s some medicine for Hazel.
Tara: Thanks!
Amira: It will make her more comfortable. There’s not much more we can do, I’m afraid.
Tara: What? You’re just… giving up?
Amira: That’s not fair. I’ve tried referring her to the best specialists and research trials… but she refused them all! Anyway, I need to get back to the clinic. Hazel, get some rest.
Gramma: I will. Don’t worry, Tara’s taking good care of me.
[Amira leaves.]

Gramma: Don’t be mad at Amira, honeybee. She’s right. I decided to enjoy the time I had left rather than be strapped to a bed with tubes coming out of me. I’m grateful that I’ve had the strength to teach you what I can. I am not afraid of what comes next.
Gramma: Honeybee, can we chat a moment before you go out for the day?
Tara: Sure, Gramma.
Gramma: I want you to know, I’ve left you the farm in my will. I already spoke to Arthur about it and he understands. Farm life was never for him. I don’t want you to feel obliged, if you’d rather return to your old life in the city. But tell me, do you want to stay on, after I’m gone?

--[Choice: Of course!]
-Tara: Of course I want to stay, Gramma!
-Gramma: Oh, that’s wonderful. I knew you would love it here!

--[Choice: You’re not dying!]
--[Choice: I’m not sure]

Gramma: I’m glad that’s settled, then. I’ll have Otto finish the paperwork.
Lina: Morning! Brought ya some groceries. [Gives 1x milk, 6x egg]
Tara: Oh, let me just get some money…
Lina: Don’t you dare. It’s the least Parker and I could do.
Gramma: Thank you, Lina dear. You will look after Tara for me, won’t you? I’ve done what I can to get her ready to take my place here. But she’ll need a guiding hand.
Lina: I will. Well, I better let you rest.
Gramma: Give my love to Markus, when you see him.
Thomas: Mornin’. Brought ya some firewood, Hazel. [Gives 10x wood.]
Gramma: How kind of you, Thomas.
Tara: I’ll just… go somewhere else.
Thomas: Lina told me you’ve been a bit under the weather.
Gramma: I have, but Tara’s been doing a pretty good job taking care of the farm, wouldn’t you say?
Thomas: ...I suppose. Hazel, I just wanted to thank you. After my dad passed, you and Robert were there for us. I’ve never forgotten it.
Gramma: It was the least we could do. Most things I picked up watching your dad in his garden!
Thomas: Heh. He was right about most things when it came to farming, hard as it was for me to admit. He was just so stern and impossible to please… Well. I’ll be on my way.
Gramma: Who is that outside, dear?
Tara: It’s… Vanessa?
Gramma: Bah. I don’t have the energy for her. Tell her I’m asleep.
Vanessa: Good morning, Tara! I just wanted to bring some cupcakes for your grandmother.
Tara: She’s asleep, but I can take them.
Vanessa: Wonderful. I made them myself! I’m not the best baker, but I tried.

--[Choice: They look delicious]
-Tara: These look delicious, Vanessa. Thank you.
-Vanessa: You’re welcome! I would have bought cupcakes from Angus, but I wanted to show that I really do care. [Gives 3x Chocolate Cupcake.]

--[Choice: They’re very dark]

Vanessa: By the way – I’m not just here because I’m the mayor’s wife. When I was in high school, my best friend got sick. Also cancer. I supported her as much as I could. But it wears on you, being a caretaker.
Tara: Did your friend recover?
Vanessa: Her name was Amy. And she didn’t, no.
Tara: I am so sorry.
Vanessa: It’s all right. It was a long time ago. In any case, I’m here if you want to talk. And now I’ll be going! I don’t want to wear out my welcome.
[Vanessa leaves.]

Tara: Huh. Gramma, did you hear that?
Gramma: Eh… what? I was just resting my eyes…
Tara: And you said it was only pretend! I’ll leave you be.
Gramma: Honeybee, I'm so glad you came here, even if your circumstances weren't the best, what with you…
Tara: Losing my fiance and my job in the same week? Yeah. But I tried to make the best of it. We had dozens of these miniature champagne bottle wedding favors, and it was too late to take back the deposit on the cake... So I had all of my girlfriends over for a champagne and cake unengagement party. I even wore my dress!
Gramma: Now, that's the right spirit! I wish I had been there, I bet it was a ball!
Tara: Well I may have gone to the bathroom to cry once... or twice... but yeah, it was great!
Tara: Gramma? I'm sorry I didn't visit more over the years. I always meant to come by, or call…
Gramma: Oh, you were stuck in the middle of a generational spat! Can't blame you for not wanting to get on the wrong side of Arthur's temper.
Tara: He didn't have a right to keep us apart. We lost so many years we could have spent together.
Gramma: Anger makes folks do things they regret, honeybee. He was sore at me for not telling him your grandpa was sick. But I was just following Robert's wishes. Robert didn't want Arthur to come and fuss over him. Can't imagine why not! I love being fussed over!
Tara: Well, I'm going to fuss away, then!
Tara: Gramma, how did you find out you were a witch?
Gramma: Oh, my aunt Vivian was in the coven, of course! She used to have all these boarders come and go from a house she owned in town. Turns out they were visiting witches, come to see our Wellspring for themselves! Although I think a few may have just been coming to see Aunt Viv, now that I think of it...
Tara: Did grampa or dad ever suspect you were a witch, Gramma?
Gramma: Well, there was that one time a potion went awry! Stank up my sanctum something terrible! Luckily Robert was out in the shed at the time and didn't hear the blast it made!
Gramma: I remember the first time Arthur brought you to see me. You were so tiny, with those big green eyes! Enjoy perfecting your craft, honeybee, but mind that you don't forget about your regular life. Enjoy time with your friends, maybe find someone special. There's magic in the little things, too.
Gramma: Have you visited Lina at the general store in town? She'll buy our produce and sell you some seeds.
Tara: Yes, I've been by her place.
Gramma: She's fixed it up a lot since she took it over from her dad. Markus was a great man but not the most details-oriented.
Tara: Oh, has he passed away?
Gramma: No, he's over in a special home in Milkwater, across the way from the ferry. His... memory's not what it once was.
Tara: I'm sorry to hear that.
Gramma: Have you tried out the Boost Harvest potion on some of your seeds yet?
Gramma: What's your plan today? Going to do some farming? Maybe explore some more?
Gramma: You don't need to hover over me. Why don't you head into town for a change of scenery? Meet some people?
Gramma: Speak to people around town and get to know their problems. Sometimes, there's things you can do to help. Sometimes, there's things they can do to help you.
Gramma: The Acolyte was the last witch initiated into our order. She can help guide you.
Gramma: The altar is where we perform important rituals, like turning the season. Continue with your training, honeybee, and you'll be prepared when the moment comes.
Gramma: I'm not one to mind rules, but… You should keep away from the standing stones. You're not ready for that yet.
Gramma: We must reveal ourselves to the rest of the town someday. It's the only way we can really be one community.