Wylde Flowers Wiki
Overview Events Dialogues

Francis Calderón (28) runs a jewelry store right next to his fiance Angus's bakery. He's bright, creative, and hasn't lost any of his city slicker-isms.

Francis appreciates old things: he likes fixing up antique jewelry, and he puts stock in the wisdom of his elders.

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Recently, a coven ritual revealed to a very surprised Francis that he had latent witchcraft abilities. He was terrified: his brother is a witch, a scandal that drove his family apart.

Ultimately, Francis chose to join the coven, and now he's the latest witch to serve the Wellspring.

Life Before Fairhaven

Francis hasn't been able to make anywhere feel quite like home. That feeling is connected to a falling-out with his brother, which split his family. He hopes that marrying Angus will give him a new family, but he still worries.

Personal Schedule[]

Tuesday: 9am-5pm at Cafe Moretti
Wednesday: 9am-5pm at Cafe Moretti
Thursday: 9am-5pm at Cafe Moretti
Friday: 9am-5pm at Cafe Moretti
Sunday: 9am-5pm at Cafe Moretti

Can be found standing on the beach

Favorite Gifts

Item Sources Recipe
Pina Colada
Pina Colada
Cooking, The Bar 1x Coconut
1x Pineapple
1x Rum
Cooking 1x Coconut
1x Milk/Soy Milk
1x Sugar
1x Egg
Arroz con Gandules
Arroz con Gandules  
Cooking 1x Chili
1x Coriander
1x Olive
1x Rice
1x Tomato
Cooking 1x Cheese/Protein
1x Coriander
1x Egg
1x Flour
Asopao (Chicken & Rice) Cooking 1x Chicken Fillet
1x Olive
1x Rice
1x Tomato

Relationship Cutscenes[]

New Acquaintances (expand)

How to initiate cutscene: Visit Francis at his store

Tara: Hi Francis, whatcha workin’ on?
Francis: Oh, I’m restoring a necklace that used to belong to my abuela. She left the necklace to my sister. But the clasp is broken. I’m fixing it up to surprise her. My sister and I don’t talk that much, but maybe the necklace will remind her that I’m here for her. Anyway, I love working on vintage pieces like this. They have such unique details. Angus always says that I should have been born in an era where people still cared about the little things.
--[Choice: I appreciate them too]
-Tara: I’ve been appreciating the old details that my grandpa worked into the farmhouse, like little flourishes on a table.
-Francis: Oh, your farmhouse is so classic! It’s like a fairy tale cottage!
--[Choice: Fairhaven feels like the past]
-Tara: I feel like I've stepped into the past ever since I arrived in Fairhaven. I mean, a blacksmith, drawing water from a well? But I like it!
-Francis: Oh I agree. Sometimes I miss modern conveniences, but it's worth it to live somewhere where people appreciate authenticity.
--[Choice: I prefer simplicity]
Francis: My abuela lived with my family until she passed away. In my family, caring for your elders is really important. I really respect that you came back here to be with Hazel. I’m sure it wasn’t an easy choice.

Casual Friend (expand)

How to initiate cutscene: Find Francis standing on the right side of the beach in the morning when he is not working

Tara: Hi Francis! Looking for pearls?
Francis: I was, but I guess I got lost in thought watching the waves. The water here is much colder, but the waves always make me think of La Isla. Not that I even got to visit it much. Growing up, I didn’t really feel at home on La Isla, but I didn’t feel fully at home in the city either. Do you feel at home here in Fairhaven yet?
--[Choice: More like a memory]
-Tara: It's weird, but it feels more like stepping into a memory. I guess because I haven't really spent time here since I was little.
-Francis: I can relate to that! I always used to feel that way when I went to see my cousins. Like there was something in my blood that remembered the place, more than I did.
--[Choice: More than the city]
-Tara: Well, I might not feel completely at home yet, but it feels more like home than the city ever did!
-Francis: I hear you! I can’t imagine ever living there again. No shade, it’s just not for me.
--[Choice: Home is people]
-Tara: I think that home is less about a place than it is about the people you are with.
-Francis: Being with loved ones matters the most to me.
-Francis: That's part of my problem, I guess. When I left the city, I left my family behind. Now it's just me and Angus.
Francis: Maybe once Angus and I are married, it will feel more like home here. Oh, listen to me, I’m just babbling out loud. Thanks for listening, Tara.

Good Friend (expand)

How to initiate cutscene: Enter Natalia's workshop while Francis is not at work (Monday or Tuesday from 9-5)

Francis: Thanks so much for melting down the last of my ore for me. Don’t know when I’m going to get the chance to get more.
Natalia: Oh Francis, you worry too much! By the time you’re done using these ingots, I’m sure you’ll be able to get more ore.
Francis: I can’t help it! Worrying is my default state!
--[Choice: Hard to let go of anxiety]
-Tara: I moved here to get away from the stress of my old life, but I know that letting go of anxiety isn't that simple.
-Tara: You have to take it easy on yourself.
-Francis: Thanks, Tara. I wish Angus could be that compassionate. He just tells me I'm worrying for no reason.
--[Choice: I’m always here to talk to]
-Tara: If you ever want to take a walk on the beach and just blow off some steam, let me know!
-Francis: Wow, thanks. I might take you up on that sometime!
--[Choice: Worrying uses up energy]
Francis: I’ve always been a worrier, I guess, but it got worse before I left home.
Tara: Did something happen?
Francis: I don’t really want to get into it. I just left some things unresolved, is all. And I don’t know when or if I’ve ever going to go back to settle them.

Best Friend (expand)

How to initiate cutscene: Visit Francis at his store

Tara: Hi Francis! Oh, those are pretty!
Francis: Thanks! They’re matching wedding bands for me and Angus! I’ve been working on them for ages and then this morning he said he doesn’t want to wear a wedding band! Something about being worried about losing it in the dough or burning himself on the oven. I’m trying not to be devastated but totally not succeeding!
--[Choice: Maybe he could wear it a different way.]
-Tara: Maybe he could wear it a different way where he wouldn’t lose it, like on a necklace?
-Francis: That’s such a cheesy idea! But Angus is kinda cheesy, so he might go for it! Thanks, Tara!
--[Choice: What if he just takes it off at work?]
--[Choice: What if you got ring tattoos?]
Francis: Keeping it real, I think I’m just anxious because I’m trying to like, cobble together a new family out of the two of us. And maybe some kids of our own, if I could ever get Angus onboard. I fell out with my family, so he’s all the family I have.
Tara: Why did you guys have a falling out? Did they not like Angus?
Francis: Oh no, not at all. They love him! In fact, Angus has been trying to talk me into reconciling with them. But I don’t know if I can forgive my brother for what he did. But that’s what I love about Angus, you know? He’s always trying to see the good side of people. Most of the time, anyway.


The full list of quotes for this character can be found here.
