Wylde Flowers Wiki

Bulletin Board quests are available from the start of the game by interacting with the board just to the left of the town hall entrance. Another board is available in Ravenwood Hollow later in the game. One new request is posted at the start of each day, and up to 4 may be available at any time.

Requests are posted by villagers asking you to turn in some number of a single item, which is rewarded with coins and an increase in friendship level. There is no time limit for completing the quests and no penalty for deleting the requests from the board or your journal.


Villager Request Description Reward Season
Amira Spinach x4 A Dose of Spinach
Spinach is a great source of iron, but my anemic patient hates it! I'm going to make him some capsules. Is anybody growing any?
Note: This is a General Practice request, and must be delivered to Amira during work hours.
228 coins Winter
Amira Animal Fat x1 A Fix from Fatty Acids
My patient needs more fatty acids for a smooth recovery. Can anyone bring me animal fats?
Note: This is a General Practice request, and must be delivered to Amira during work hours.
140 coins Fall
Amira Powdered Calcium x4 Calcium for Growing Bones
I've prescribed a calcium booster for all the kids, but I don't have enough to go around. Help a stressed doc out!
Note: This is a General Practice request, and must be delivered to Amira during work hours.
92 coins
Amira Clay x5 Clay for a Poultice
Is anyone heading into the mine? Someone threw out his back surf-casting and I need clay for a poultice.
Note: This is a General Practice request, and must be delivered to Amira during work hours.
50 coins
Amira Cloth x3 Cloth for Bandages
Sebastian's last stunt used up the last of my bandages. Does anyone have any cloth?
Note: This is a General Practice request, and must be delivered to Amira during work hours.
285 coins
Amira Mandrake x5 Cold Season
This year's bout of the common cold seems to have hit everyone in town and I've completely run out of supplies!
Note: This is a General Practice request, and must be delivered to Amira during work hours.
45 coins
Amira Banana x4 Going Bananas for the Tummy Bug
Bananas are great for soothing nausea. Can anyone spare any?
Note: This is a General Practice request, and must be delivered to Amira during work hours.
114 coins
Amira Shiitake Mushroom x5 Holy Shiitake
Shiitake mushrooms boost white blood cells, and I want to give some to a patient. If you have any, come find me.
Note: This is a General Practice request, and must be delivered to Amira during work hours.
228 coins Winter
Amira Moon Flower x3 Moonflower Mission
Could somebody run to the woods at night for moonflower? One of my patients is insisting on moonflower teas...
Note: This is a General Practice request, and must be delivered to Amira during work hours.
50 coins
Amira Pomegranate x6 Pomegranates
My patient's throat is quite swollen, but pomegranates have wonderful anti-inflammatory properties.
Note: This is a General Practice request, and must be delivered to Amira during work hours.
230 coins
Amira Seaweed x4 Seaweed
I would like to make iodine supplements for my patients, but I need some seaweed from the beach.
Note: This is a General Practice request, and must be delivered to Amira during work hours.
25 coins
Amira Black Tea x4 Tea Infusion
A patient needs something to help soothe a sore throat. Can anyone spare some tea?
Note: This is a General Practice request, and must be delivered to Amira during work hours.
228 coins Winter
Angus Almond x6 Almonds!
Almonds are in season! You wouldn't believe how many great baking recipes have almonds in them!
285 coins Fall
Angus Blackberry x12 Berry Good Ideas
Ooh! Blackberries are in season and I have so many recipe ideas.
137 coins Winter
Angus Lime x5 Key Lime Cry
Can I tell you a secret? I don't have a key lime pie recipe. I need to fix this, so I need limes - stat!
240 coins
Bruno Worm x5 A Fisherman Without Bait
Would you believe I'm completely out of worms? Anyone got some wriggling about their land?
20 coins
Bruno Salmon x3 Fishing Challenge
It's the perfect season for salmon fishing. Head up to the mountain area - and bring your crickets or chub!
342 coins Winter
Bruno Shrimp x3 Fishing Challenge
Here's a challenge for the anglers out there! Did you know shrimp don't like worms?
285 coins
Cameron Copper Ingot x10 Copper Medals
It might only be base camp, but copper is still an achievement on the Mountain of Consciousness. I'll need copper for the medal ceremony.
475 coins
Cameron Paper x46 Memoirs
I'm thinking of starting some memoirs, but I've filled all my pages with notes for my meetings. Any paper out there?
46 coins
Eury Flower Paper x4 Baffling Bottles
I'm all out of labels for my latest batch of shampoo! Who's got enough flower paper to help me out?
100 coins
Eury Carrot Juice x10 Do You Carrot All
I'd like to try some old natural dye recipes I stumbled on, and I need carrot juice to do it!
250 coins
Francis Emerald x5 An Eagerness for Emeralds
I wanted to live in the Emerald City as a kid. Now I just want to make emerald jewelry! Make my dream come true, neighbor?
625 coins
Francis Love Card x1 Love Card for Angus
Could you send a little note to my Angus? Have it say, "My cariño, you could make anyplace feel like home."
150 coins
Francis Silver Ingot x5 Silver for Necklace Chain
This lady from the city wants me to repair her GORGEOUS necklace. I need quality silver for a new chain!
240 coins
Giva Coriander x3 Coriander for Cooking
I ran through the supply of coriander I brought with me. How am I supposed to cook without it? I'll take any you can spare!
28 coins Fall
Giva Fine Sand x15 Sand Experiment
I want to measure some vibration patterns in local seismic activity. I'll need lots of sand!
143 coins
Kai Mint x5 Minty Fresh
I've taken to chewing on mint to stop the snack attacks throughout the day. You should try it!
48 coins
Kai Olive Oil x3 Olive Oil
I'd like to tell you this is for my board, but - do you think this skin is this silky all by itself?
225 coins
Kai Coconut x3 Coconut Craving
I know, I know, I'm obsessed. But I still want them.
120 coins
Kim Carp x3 Kim's Carp Craving
I gotta try this fried carp recipe my mom sent me! But I've reeled in every fish but carp. Fisher folk, lend me a hand!
30 coins
Kim Soybean x8 I have a craving for some edamame. Is anyone growing soybeans? 305 coins Fall
Lina Cheese x2 Cheese, Please
The kids always need more snacks and Finn has declared himself a cheese-a-tarian. Help!
150 coins
Lina Love Card x1 Love Card for Parker
Would you make a love card for Parker? Write, "Parker, I love you, and I feel so lucky to have you by my side."
150 coins
Lina Pumpkin x4 Pumpkins for Carving
Emmi and Finn may have- accidentally exploded the pumpkins I had set aside for carving. Does anyone have more?
152 coins Fall
Lina Honey x3 Sweetener Scarcity
Angus bought all my honey so he could experiment with honey cakes. But I can't just not sell honey! Check your pantries for extras!
265 coins
Marty Orange x5 The Scent of Orange
I need some oranges so I can... well... look, they smell nice and citrus is an excellent cleaner, alright? Manure. That's why.
235 coins
Natalia Iron Ore x12 Natalia's Misf-Ore-Tune
I miscalculated the heat of my forge and ruined a bunch of iron ore! Someone's gotta have extra, right?
114 coins
Natalia Coal x10 Steel Yourself
I wanted to work with steel this week, but I don't have enough coal! Please, help me get my forge hot enough.
95 coins
Mayor Otto Soil x4 Good Potting Soil
Our fine first lady has a vision for beautifying the landscaping around town. Does anyone have good potting soil?
92 coins
Mayor Otto Herring x5 Herring
Did you know the Queen's favorite breakfast is kippers on toast? And it's mine too! I just need some herring.
28 coins
Mayor Otto Stone x10 Town Path Maintenance
Stone is needed to repair some cobblestone paths around town.
24 coins
Parker Crocus x6 First Crocus
I love it when the crocus flowers push their way up through the snow! Have yours bloomed yet?
228 coins Winter
Parker Love Card x1 Love Card for Lina
If you've got time, would you make a love card for Lina? You could say, "Lina, I know we've been through a lot, but I would marry you all over again if I could."
150 coins
Parker Wood x5 Parker's Mini-Staycation
Who has extra wood? I wouldn't mind building a fire by the lake some evening!
19 coins
Parker Wood x30 Safety First!
I need wood to build quality scaffolding. After all, safe construction is good construction!
114 coins
Shelby Conch Shell x5 Conch Shells
I hear the call of the sea. The only polite thing to do would be to call back.
95 coins
Shelby Toadstool x6 Toadstools
I need toadstools. Why? Not your business.
35 coins
Sophia Seashell x4 Arts and Crafts with Seashells
(If you're Juliet, stop reading!) I want to make shell necklaces with Juliet. If you've gathered extra shells, can I have a few?
38 coins
Sophia Butter x5 Butter Me Up
It's a butter emergency! I can't make great pie crust without loads of butter. My reputation is on the line here!
375 coins
Sophia Egg x12 Eggs
I'm making some quiche, which is technically pie, but with eggs, lots of eggs! Do you have any?
228 coins
Sophia Love Card x1 Love Card for Thomas
Will you make Thomas a love card for me? How about, "Thomas, thank you for being the wonderful man that you are."
150 coins
Sophia Mulberry x6 Mulberries
Does anyone grow mulberries? I have a pie filling idea I have to try!
400 coins
Sophia Mushroom x6 Mushroom Mania
I love cooking with fresh mushrooms, but I'm run off my feet! Can you help? (Non-poisonous mushrooms only, please!!)
68 coins
Sophia Clay x5 Spa Day Clay
Does anyone have any clay? Cooking with oil all day does unspeakable things to my skin. A clay mask would fix it right up.
95 coins
Thomas Iron Ingot x10 No Cows Allowed
I want to shore up some holes in my fences. Anyone got any iron? One way or another, I will keep those cows out of my crops.
190 coins
Thomas Love Card x1 Love Card for Sophia
I know it's planting season, but could ya make Sophia a love card? I wanna say, "Sophia, you're a lovely lady, and I care for you very much."
150 coins
Thomas Tofu x3 Tofu
Trying a new recipe but I'm out of tofu. Anyone have the time to make some extra?
137 coins
Vanessa Ink x3 Pen Pandemonium
The twins made the ink cartridges in all our pens at school explode. I'm looking for ink replacements (and a new shirt).
240 coins
Violet Cauliflower x1 Roasted Cauliflower
I'm trying to get Sebastián to eat more vegetables. Is anyone growing cauliflower?
38 coins Spring

Ravenwood Hollow[]

Villager Request Description Reward
Amira Sea Urchin x1 Sea Urchin
There are several magical and medicinal properties said to reside in the sea urchin but I don't fish. Ever.
Note: This is a General Practice request, and must be delivered to Amira during work hours.
152 coins
Aryel Chicken Feather x10 A Home for Chickadees
I'm nursing abandoned black-capped chickadees, and I need feathers to line the nest. Do it for the nestlings!
285 coins
Aryel Dragon's Blood Vial x5 Creature Comforts
I'm all out of sap from the dragon's blood tree! It's good for soothing panicked animals.
380 coins
Aryel Pinecone x10 Pinecone Homes
Pinecones are great hidey-holes for many creatures of the wood. Please bring them to me.
285 coins
Damon Revitalizing Potion x5 Revitalize
What is the point of being magic if you don't use it for a pick-me-up after a late night?
440 coins
Gloria Mystic Bouquet x1 Smell Scentsational
I've been exploring my glamour work roots lately. Would greatly appreciate a magical bouquet for my perfume glamours.
500 coins
Lina Freeze Time x1 Freeze Time for Family Time
Just one night this week I want to make it home in time to tuck in the kids. But I don't have any Freeze Time incantations...
80 coins
Peri Beeswax Candle x3 Candle Command(le)
I require candles. Do you really need to know why?
375 coins
Peri Charming Potion x1 Charm Offensive
I'm out of charm potion, and I don't want to make more. (I've never needed it, personally.) But I suppose I should stock it, so...
125 coins
Peri Forget-Me-Not x10 Forget-Me-Not
Someone made all my forget-me-nots into siren feed. (Sirens can feed themselves, you know!) I need to replenish my supply.
95 coins
Peri Truth Serum Malasada x5 Truth Fairy
Bring me large quantities of Truth Serum. Best if I don't tell you why.
440 coins
Shelby Summon Night Spell x3 Stargazing
Hard to gaze at stars during the daytime. Need some night incantations. I'm not getting any younger.
190 coins
Violet Ultra Miracle Grow Potion x1 Grow Fast Potions
I have a theory involving annoying kid-brother teenagers and grow faster potions. I'll report back!
210 coins
Westley Levitation Potion x5 A Moment of Levity
I've been feeling down lately, so I think I'll spike my tea with Levitation Potion! I just need a bottle of the stuff...
250 coins
Westley Summon Rain Spell x3 Rainy Days
Who doesn't love a rainy day? Unfortunately, Ravenwood Hollow doesn't get them.
265 coins
Westley Whiskey x3 Whiskey in the Moonlight
It is tragic that the bar is only open at night. I've not had a good whiskey in... oh I don't even know.
143 coins
Zephyr Diamond x1 A Girl's Best Friend
I need the hardest gem available for a drilling project. Nothing short of a diamond will do. And no, Peri, it won't be like last time!
285 coins
Zephyr Reverse Time Spell x1 An Explosive Dilemma
I may have caused a small explosion with some very expensive materials. Does anyone have a way to Reverse Time?
165 coins
Zephyr Essence of Joy x3 Zephyr's Mood Reviver
I read some of Westley's folk tale collections. Talk about grim! Now I need some Essence of Joy...
420 coins