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This page lists the dialogue lines for Amira Syed.

Amira: And who is this beautiful creature I see?
Tara: I… what? I'm Tara, Hazel's granddaughter.
Amira: Hazel told me her granddaughter was coming to town but didn't mention that she was so lovely!
Tara: Uh, thanks!
Amira: I'm Amira, the doctor here in Fairhaven.
Tara: I think I've gotten a bit turned around. Do you know the way to my Gramma Hazel's house?
Amira: I do! Head up these steps, past the clock-tower, and take a left when you get to the giant bell.
Amira: I've been taking care of your grandmother.
Tara: Oh wow, thank you. I came as soon as I heard she was sick.
Amira: She's lucky to have such a caring family.
Tara: Well, I mean… to be honest… we kind of fell out of touch for a while. I'm trying to make up for lost time.
Amira: We can't regain lost time. But you are here for her now. That is enough.
Amira: How is the farm? Are you inundated with chores yet?
Tara: There's not that much to do, honestly. The farm seems so much smaller now that I'm an adult…
Amira: When I first came here, I didn't think I'd have much work, either. But living things - plants and people - are always growing, changing, becoming run-down. And caring for them takes a lot of time!
Tara: You seem very cosmopolitan… Amira? Uh, Dr. Syed?
Amira: Amira is fine! There's no need for formalities in a town with one restaurant. Fairhaven is by far the smallest place I've ever lived. But I've adjusted! And so will you.
Amira: Nowruz pirooz, Tara! It's the Persian New Year today.
Tara: Oh! Happy Nowruz! Are you doing anything to celebrate?
Amira: Something absolutely thrilling. I'm cleaning out my closet. It's tradition to clean everything before Nowruz. But I ran out of time, so... day-of cleaning will have to do!
Tara: So what made you set up a practice in Fairhaven?
Amira: Sleeping at the hospital, pinched nerves from standing all day, a caffeine addiction… … all the delightful hallmarks of doing my residency at the busiest hospital in the city! Not that maintaining my practice here is easy. But my life feels more balanced.
Amira: I ran into Natalia at the diner, and she asked me to vet her dating app profile. I did my best, but I don't understand why anyone bothers with dating apps. I've never used them! And even if I wanted to, they don't cater to queer women.
Tara: Amira… do you have bags under your eyes? Your skin is so perfect, I didn't think that it could manifest bags.
Amira: Ah, you can tell that I was out late last night? I have a… friend… I go see some nights. And when it's good, it's very good. But we're very similar, so when it's bad, one of us always ends up storming out. Last night, it was me.
Amira: Every time I think I've finished all my patients' insurance paperwork, I find more. Our insurance system is almost bad enough to drive me out of this field. Almost.
Amira: Some people think Shelby is odd. And he is, but that's what makes him delightful. If you ever treat him with anything less than kindness, you'll be hearing from me. After you hear from your grandmother, I'm sure!
Tara: What makes your medicine so effective, Amira?
Amira: You really want to know the secret?
Tara: Yes!!
Amira: Come closer…
Tara: Okay…
Amira: Genuine care.
Tara: Oh. I thought you might say adaptogens or whatever.
Amira: Hah! Those aren't real.
Amira: I feel terrible. I didn't want to turn down Kim's gift of fresh-caught lobster! I get the feeling they think I was upset. But I wasn't. In fact, I wouldn't mind getting a shellfish-free dinner with them sometime… … or with you, come to think of it.
Tara: Oh gosh, I, er, bluhhh?
Amira: Welcome! Doesn't it look so organized in here? Juliet just sorted all my medical supplies in exchange for extra credit at school. I explained what each item was for, and she seemed genuinely interested. Maybe she'll take over for me one day!
Amira: Allergy season makes me wish Damon's mother was still here. Having a pharmacist handle everyone's medication took so much off my plate! But Kaya got the chance to work at an amazing clinic in South Africa, so I can hardly blame her for leaving.
Amira: I'm sure you're looking forward to Summer. But I hope you also take time to reflect on what you've accomplished. Making big life changes is never easy.
Tara: Hi, Amira! Isn't it gorgeous today?
Amira: Oh, no. Don't say that.
Tara: Why?
Amira: Because every time I get excited about nice weather, Kai comes moping into my office with a cut or knee injury! One of these days, I am going to wrap that man in protective foam.
Amira: Are you well? You will come and see me if you're not, yes?
Amira: Will you please make sure Hazel takes her meds? She's a wise woman, but I'm her doctor, and I know what's best!
Amira: Are you feeling unwell? Let me know if there's anything you need!
Amira: Some people call it the Fairhaven Ferry. I call it the Fairhaven Germ Dispensary.
Amira: Have you met Shelby? He lives alone in the woods and he knows a fair bit about wild plants and forageables! Sometimes, a walk in nature is the best medicine.
Amira: Hazel was ready. She knew it was her time. But it's still all right to be upset. To mourn her. You deserve that space for yourself.
Tara: Looking forward to some time off this Summer, Amira?
Amira: Ha! Warm weather means people who have been inside for months will suddenly attempt outdoor activities. I'll be setting sprained ankles all Summer!
Amira: I was delighted to learn there is a Summer festival in Fairhaven when I first moved here. There's one back home called Tirgran, the Festival of Rain. My family didn't really observe it, but my friend's family did. Her mom made the most amazing saffron rice pudding every year!
Amira: Marty Emerson came by my clinic, asking for antihistamines. Strange that a man who is allergic to animals would choose to open a ranch! Judging by the bite on his hand, I better keep plenty of antibiotics in stock too…
Amira: Now that the ranch is open, Kim's business is thriving. I'm happy for them. We both come from families that set high standards for success. It can be a lot of pressure.
Amira: Have you met the new meteorologist yet? It's nice to meet someone else who geeks out over data and peer-reviewed studies. Even if hers are about hurricane patterns and mine are about flu statistics.
Amira: I just went up the mountain pass the other day - what a magnificent view! All I needed was someone to enjoy it with.
Amira: Emmi and Finn are quite generous with the sugar in their lemonade. I'm glad I'm the town doctor, not the dentist!
Amira: Giva seemed so familiar to me, and then I realized, she's my friend Alice's ex! Alice lived in my dorm in undergrad and had a picture of Giva on her wall.
Tara: Wow, small world!

Amira: I'm convinced you can connect any lesbian in the world to any other by less than six degrees.

Amira: Damon posted a sign that said, "save water, drink beer." I made him take it down. Dehydration is no laughing matter!
Amira: I'll be glad when it's Fall. I've had to pop Kai's shoulder back into place one too many times this Summer.
Amira: Francis came to me complaining of headaches. Turns out he's been clenching his jaw when he sleeps! I suggested he go relax in the new onsen. He has to learn how to chill out or he's going to grind his teeth to dust.
Amira: Summer is beautiful, but it means big waves. I've put Kai back together so many times I've lost count!
Tara: Like Humpty Dumpty?
Amira: Ha! You said it, not me!
Tara: Excited for the Festival, Amira?
Amira: I suppose. I just hope Damon is sparing with the libations. I don't have enough burn cream if too many people get close to the bonfire.
Amira: I must say, you were the most captivating Summertide Star I've ever seen!
Tara: Stop, you're going to make me blush!
Amira: Oh, that only makes you more charming, doesn't it?
Amira: I miss Hazel. She was my most stubborn patient, but a wise one, too.
Amira: Do make sure you eat. So many people faint in this heat every summer!
Amira: Natalia fainted in her forge yesterday. I'm not saying this to embarrass her, but she keeps forgetting to hydrate! This heat is dangerous, and it sneaks up on you. Drink water, okay?
Amira: Cameron came to me asking what he should do if he keeps hearing disembodied voices in his Consciousness Center. But I had to tell him I'm not that kind of doctor…
Amira: That rain was so refreshing! I've been starting to feel hopelessly caked in dust lately.
Amira: Finally! Now that it's Fall, I don't have to worry about my makeup running in the heat.
Tara: Amira… your makeup never runs.
Amira: Yes it does! I try not to be vain… but I notice every time!
Amira: I'm thrilled for Angus and Francis! But a bit nervous for the wedding itself. I met my ex at a wedding. So weddings always make me think of her.
Amira: Make sure you're getting enough sleep. Visiting new places - especially the kind we visited - takes more energy than you think!
Amira: Vanessa's tried to talk to me about Otto's campaign so many times now. But… I think it's because she doesn't know how to talk about other things. Normal things. The poor woman. She needs more friends.
Amira: Francis and Angus can't get married soon enough. For the sake of Francis' health. I adore that man, and I don't want to treat him for heart palpitations!
Amira: I wouldn't mind the Consciousness Center… if I could just be alone there! The building is lovely. It'd be a great place to pray. But Cameron always tries to talk to me.
Amira: I heard about Emmi's new, ah, interest in music.
Tara: She's a handful, isn't she?
Amira: Yes, but in the best way. If I ever have daughters, I hope they're as spirited as she is. Less prone to thievery, though.
Amira: Oooh, I love the crisp Fall air! And I get to add to my scarf collection!
Amira: I do hope Angus and Francis decide to take a honeymoon at some point.
Amira: Now that I knew Juliet can play guitar so beautifully, I have a mission. We're going to start a Fairhaven band. Members of all talent levels are welcome! Any skills you'd like to contribute?
Tara: I… can whistle with a blade of grass?
Amira: Haha! Oh… you were serious?
Tara: Amira, how do you know so much about wraiths? Or - is jinn more correct?
Amira: They are the same. "Jinn" is just the word I learned first. My ex, Sahar, had a reputation. The good kind. She was the most talented witch in Tehran. I accompanied her while I was an initiate. And I saw how firmly jinn latch on to the fear they find within people.
Amira:That arrogant - stone-faced - heartless - And she says she cares about protecting humans more than anything!
Tara: And who are we talking about?
Amira: No one. Feh.
Amira: Natalia is a good woman. You and I both know it. Her possession… it just shows that jinn find any seed of prejudice or hate, no matter how tiny.
Amira: I told Sophia she should come in for a check-up. Not that anything's wrong with her, physically. But traumatic events can shake up the head and the heart.
Amira: Tara! You were magnificent! And don't forget - Sophia's not the only one you saved. Now Natalia is free as well.
Amira: We shouldn't relax just yet. Where one jinni hides, others often come creeping out. They're like bugs. I hate bugs.
Amira: My cousin Zareen was supposed to come visit me this Winter, but I told her I was too busy. It broke my heart, but what was I supposed to say? 'We had a witch trial here?' She'd try to airlift me off the island.
Amira: Most people are looking forward to the Winter Feast, but planning my contribution is just another task on my list. It's cold and flu season right now. I'm at my busiest.
Tara: Can I help?

Amira: Just keep being your beautiful self!

Amira: Do you know who your secret gift recipient is yet? Mine's Kai. I'm thinking of getting him a soft, foam-top shortboard. But really, that's more of a gift to myself…
Amira: I've checked in on Natalia. She seems back to her old self, if a bit confused about what happened. I wish I could tell her the truth. Letting her believe this is all her fault… it doesn't seem right.
Amira: Will you be growing some pomegranates in your garden this Winter? My family always eats them on the longest night of the year.
Amira: Did you know that some scholars believe the pomegranate, not the apple, was the original "forbidden fruit?" I've never been able to resist them, myself.
Amira: Stay warm, Tara. The less frostbite I have to deal with this Winter, the better!
Amira: This is going to be fine. Just - don't have an accident that requires an MRI or bloodwork for the next few weeks, okay? Tara: I'll, um, try my best not to do that.
Tara: Francis seemed to take the news pretty hard.
Amira: He'll adjust. But it will take some time. And in the end, it's his choice, and we'll respect whatever he decides. But we really could use his help.
Amira: It's a relief that Kim handled the roast this year. They'd never undercook the meat. A few years ago, Kai said he'd do the roast, but he took it out too early. Imagine trying to take care of an entire town with food poisoning…
Tara: Amira! I'm trying to eat!
Amira: Can you believe anyone would think that Marty is a witch! I know I shouldn't laugh, but it's too ridiculous! Although if he thought brewing potions might up his follower count, I wouldn't put it past him to try.
Amira: I feel for Francis. It can't be easy seeing someone you love change so radically overnight. Well, and ex did that to me once, but there wasn't a jinni involved. At least, I don't think so.
Amira: I thought Kim did quite a good job managing the Winter Feast. But when I complimented them, they just muttered thanks and said they had to go. I honestly can't tell if Kim likes me or dislikes me sometimes.
Amira: Watch your step, will you, Tara? I thought I might have to send Otto to Milkwater for an X-ray after the slip he took on the ice earlier!
Amira: I'm worried for Violet. The blossom we found may have renewed her hope that we'll find Gloria… It will be all the more devastating when we don't.
Amira: Wow… I can't believe Marty's ranch was just a front for some real estate scheme! If he ever comes into my clinic, I'll still treat him, of course… But I might use a bigger gauge needle… by mistake.
Amira: You should keep your head down, Tara. The last two accused were recent arrivals. I would hate to see you be next. That is, if we don't manage to put an end to this madness.
Amira: It's so strange having Gloria back. I expect it might put Lina on edge for a while.
Tara: Really? Why?
Amira: Because if it had been Gloria who was head of the coven when Lina disappeared, Gloria might have gone in after her. And Lina knows it.
Amira: I hope everyone in town still feels safe trusting me to care for them. I'm still the same doctor I was before! Sometimes I get weird vibes from Natalia and Angus, but Parker came in with a stomach virus, so that's a good sign, right?
Tara: Absolutely, awesome! Well, maybe not so awesome for Parker.
Amira: I wonder if Vanessa could have gone another way, if someone had just reached her sooner. I wasn't born to a witch family, either. I also had a friend who brought out my powers. Could I have turned into a dark witch too, if a few things had gone differently?
Amira: Moosh, you look a little pale. You need to eat something! Doctor's orders. (dating)
Amira: Well, Francis seems to have gotten over the shock of everything that happened in Winter. He's back in my clinic, complaining of pollen allergies like any other Spring…
Amira: Tara-joon, I might need a foot rub later. My clinic needs a revolving door, I've been so busy! (dating)
Amira: Sophia keeps asking me to tell her more stories about Giacomo's time in the coven. He was such a powerful glamour-caster. I wish she could have seen it, even once.